1) Weekly Veg Box
Cost for this option – £20 per box
Our delivery round covers most of Wavertree and Greenbank Park areas in Liverpool. If you live in one of these areas we can add you to our delivery round and your box will be delivered to your door each week (delivery time to be confirmed). Delivery cost £1 extra. For customers in other areas we have the option of collecting from one of our collection hubs. These are currently the cafe at Fir Tree Farm, Kings Moss, St Helens, WA11 8RG, and 52 Rose Lane Bistro, Mossley Hill, Liverpool. The boxes will be a mix of freshly harvested seasonal vegetables (and some fruit when available). With this option there is no commitment, though we do ask that you give us as much notice as possible if you would like to cancel your order. We also ask that for weeks when you are on holiday you find a friend or neighbour who can take your box if at all possible.
If you would like to enquire further about this option and/or sign up Click here

2) CSA Subscription option
Cost for this option – £18 per weekly box (includes membership fee)
We have recently become a member of the Community Supported Agriculture Network UK, and are now offering the option to customers of becoming a member of Owl & Lizard CSA.
Community supported agriculture (CSA) is a partnership between farmers and consumers in which the responsibilities, risks and rewards of farming are shared.
CSA helps to address increasing concerns about the lack of transparency, sustainability and resilience of our food system. It is one of the most radical ways that we can re-take control and ownership of our food system.
The main principle of CSA is the community supports the farmer through a direct connection. There are no ‘middlemen,’ what is produced on the farm goes directly to the consumer.
CSAs are based on an ethos of care for people, planet and producer, building community, training and education, looking after the land and providing a viable income for farmers.
CSA members are committed to supporting their CSA, and understand that they are getting a share of the harvest not just buying a weekly veg box. When certain crops do really well they may get extra in their boxes, but in times of poor harvest they may get less.
This direct link to customers or ‘members’ increases financial stability, builds community and promotes good farming.
See link for further information on CSA model
As part of your membership we give you the opportunity to contribute to Owl & Lizard with some voluntary work on the farm – we hope you will be able to take this up. Work days take place on the second Saturday of the month. Further information given on application.
How to sign up for CSA option
If you sign up for CSA option then you will be making a commitment for a minimum of 2 months. The monthly cost is £78 – that’s £18 per weekly box. (Please note that if you get the box delivered to your home the cost will be £1 extra per week).
If you’d like further information and a subscription form to sign up for this option Click here