The Owl & Lizard Market Garden is part of a half-acre plot based on Fir Tree Farm near St Helens. We are using a system called agroforestry that integrates trees and hedgerows into agriculture. We grow a mixture of fruit, vegetables and nuts on our site using no dig, agro-ecological methods & without use of chemical fertilisers or sprays. We also do not use any animal manures or fertilisers.
We use large quantities of compost high in organic matter and this enables us to very quickly build soils with a high carbon content, locking large amounts of carbon into the soils.
The name Owl & Lizard is reflective of the diversity of wildlife which thrives on our field, which is both protected & enhanced by our growing methods. We regularly have barn owls hunting on and around our plot and we have also cited lizards here – thus the name! It truly is a special place and we’re proud to be part of it.
We have open days here so that customers, and other interested parties, get chance to see the work we are doing and to experience this beautiful space.
We have recently joined the CSA Network UK and are members of the Landworker’s Alliance (LINKS). We have also just become a Community Interest Company (OWl & Lizard CIC), a special type of limited company which exists to benefit the community rather than private shareholders.
The Veg Box Scheme
If you join our veg box scheme then you will be supporting an ecologically sensitive market garden, thus opting out of unsustainable, planet-killing, large-scale, chemical industrial agriculture. Read more

Our project would not be what it is without our regular volunteers, to whom we are extremely grateful. If you’re interested in volunteering with us do get in touch and we will let you know dates and times of volunteer days. Read more